All software in the list below is sorted from BEST to WORST. The more image formats a duplicate cleaner supports, the more duplicates it will list. Not all duplicate finders can find similar pictures or photos stored in different file formats.

That is why the list below will help you to choose the right duplicate image finder for your needs. If you have tens of thousands of photos, manually removing duplicates may not even be an option. If you have several thousand images, finding similar and duplicate photos manually could be tedious. Image sizes of modern devices are quite large as a result the process of cleaning duplicate photos becomes a necessity. Unfortunately, you tend to back up and duplicate those images along the way too. As a result, you take numerous photos, selfies, and pictures of things that you soon will not even need. In our modern era, almost every device has a camera. It will undoubtedly clean up your computer and make your life significantly easier.Below we have listed the top 18 best duplicate photo finder tools to remove duplicate and similar photos.
I recommend PhotoSweeper to anybody dealing with a lot of photos, whether professional or amateur. It is clean, simple, and a logical way of accomplishing tasks. What makes this application a real pleasure to use is the user interface. It’s functionality is spot on and has proven to be a really useful tool when dealing with a lot of photos. However, this is only a minor inconvenience. You would probably want to find similar photos even though they were shot a year apart. For example, let’s say you went on the same hike twice in one year. This can be confusing to new users because the results will only display photos that are similar and that were taken around the same time chronologically. The application is designed to only pick up on identical pictures shot around the same time. PhotoSweeper does have some aspects that can be confusing. A slider position somewhere in the middle gives you a middle ground between the two extremes. However, if you slide it all the way to the left, then PhotoSweeper will show you pictures that aren’t identical, but look very similar. If you slide it all the way to the right, then PhotoSweeper will only show you pictures that seem to be completely identical. This slider will adjust how picky the application will be when finding duplicates. One top-notch feature in PhotoSweeper is the slider that appears after your photos have been scanned. If you set up the correct rules, you can have PhotoSweeper autmatically put the worst photo of the pair in the box so you can easily delete it. This will allow you to set up rules for when PhotoSweeper sorts through duplicates. In addition, there is a a feature called auto-put. Once there, you have the ability to look and delete the duplications. Once your photos are scanned, they will be displayed either as individual pairs, or in one giant menu. If you drag an entire application, PhotoSweeper will scan all of the pictures that you have imported into those applications. You can also drag entire applications like iPhoto, Aperture, and Lightroom. The way you do this is by dragging and dropping an entire folder of photos or individual photos onto the program interface. You begin using PhotoSweeper by importing the photos you want scanned. However, the way the application finds duplicates might be frustrating for certain users. As a result, you end up with a lot of extra photos that you don’t need. As any photographer knows, you must take an extememly large amount of photos in order to find the perfect one. This application can be incredibly useful for both professional and amateur photographers.
PhotoSweeper is a great application that will scan your Mac for any duplicate or similar-looking photos.